Friday 13 March 2009

Task 3: Lesson Plan

Let's Reduce Waste!


Form 3 (Intermediate)


60 minutes


  1. To find main ideas on a website.

2. To practise the skill of transferring information in the correct location in the worksheet.


  1. One computer per group of three students.
  2. Internet connection
  3. Web Browser
  4. Windows Media Player


  1. Class activity website:

2. Recycling program video:

3. Suggested website:

4. Follow-up Activity: (Pages 10 & 11)


  1. Locate sites related to recycling solid waste.
  2. Using the information on the site, prepare a lesson plan and worksheet.


  1. Teacher shows a video to the class on a recycling program of what can be recycled, how to recycle used products and what happens to the products after they are put in recycled bins.
  2. Teacher asks students what they have seen in the video and the importance of recycling.
  3. Teacher discusses briefly of the topic for the day.
  4. Teacher gives a few minutes for the students to form their own groups of three and to locate a computer.
  5. Teacher gives each group a worksheet.
  6. Teacher informs students to complete the worksheet by finding the information in the website given within the allocated time.
  7. Each student in the group must play his/her role and help each other.
  8. During this progression, students are told to note any complicated vocabulary and find the meanings in a suggested website.
  9. Teacher facilitates’ and monitors’ each group’s progress.
  10. After the time is up, answers and difficult words are discussed together.
  11. Teacher concludes the lesson by highlighting the importance of the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Follow-up Activity:

Worksheets are distributed to students. They are required to follow the instructions and play the game with friends. They are required to bring their decorated "masterpiece" next week.

1 comment:

  1. I think the follow up activity should be the main activity since it is more interesting. Good set induction

    LP 8.4/10

    Presentation 4.3/5
